- from the July 1998 issue


Driven by the fundamental belief in the sanctity of life, Israeli doctors, surgeons, engineers and technologists have worked together for the past 25 years, turning this country into the home of important medical advances. Important innovations have resulted in the development of unique medical lasers.

These innovative lasers are now marketed globally, with annual sales in 1998 expected to exceed $250 million. Two individuals, more than any others, stand out as innovators in the field. One of these is Professor Isaac Kaplan, a brilliant surgeon (whose reconstructive surgery helped to rebuild the bodies of wounded soldiers). Professor Kaplan has also been an important researcher and innovator. Early in the history of the development of lasers he focused his attentions on research which resulted in the development of a broad line of carbon dioxide surgical lasers. This gave birth to an important high-tech industry. After overcoming the technical difficulties several thousand of the carbon dioxide surgical medical lasers were sold worldwide.

The other dominant individual in the field is Dr. Shimon Eckhouse. His research and development capabilities were honed during his tenure at Rafael, The Israel Armament and Development Authority. In the early 1990s Dr. Eckhouse pioneered the development of medical systems utilizing proprietary pulsed light technology. His work made possible, for the first time, the treatment of varicose veins and other benign vascular lesions through the use of pulsed light technology., as well as resulting in the development of innovative medical laser systems.

Professor Olga Gorodetsky, a brilliant research scientist developed optical glass for military applications while still living and working in her native Russia. She is mentioned in 62 different patents, and for the past five years in her newly adopted home of Israel has continued her research. As a result of her work she has developed (and tested) a broad range of innovative optical glass as active media for solid state lasers and for high intensity luminescence sources required for medical and industrial applications. The manufacture of these unique rods is based on her proprietary optical glass technology. These laser rods have now been tested by a number of independent bodies, both governmental and in the private sector. They include the Israel Nuclear Research Center and a prominent American medical laser producer. The rods were found to possess unique qualities which could within the foreseeable future positively impact the size, pricing and quality of a new line of medical lasers. These laser rods whose wave length properties are imparted during their production across the visible, Near Infrared, and Near Ultraviolet ranges represent a technological breakthrough. This proprietary technology creates a chemical reaction between optical glass (silicates) and Rare Earth Elements which produces a novel glasslike material. Rods made of this material carry the prescribed electronic balance and can produce a light emission of desired wave lengths. These qualities provide laser manufacturers with a new and innovative component for their laser systems. Laser systems built to take advantage of these new laser rods will provide surgeons with safer, more economical, highly mobile, and low maintenance medical lasers. The replacing of gasses and dyes (currently in use in many lasers) creates a fundamental step-up change for the laser manufacturer ..

LasGlass Optical Glass Ltd. is preparing to move out from the Yozmot, Granot Initiative Center, a technological incubator. It will establish the first optical glass manufacturing facility in the Middle East. The company owns the technology and is headed by entrepreneur/scientist Professor Gorodetsky. It has recently entered into a non-exclusive development program with an American laser systems manufacturer which could result in substantial orders as early before the end of 1998. The company has carried out an exhaustive research and development program resulting in the identification of products for both medical and non-medical applications. It has also secured initial orders for the glass to be used in industrial applications.

The company's business plan includes plans for the manufacture of other optical glass materials for non- medical end uses. Close to completion is the research and development phase of a unique "copper one" or glass doped by copper one ions, as it is known by the trade. Until its development the scientific world knew of this product only in theory because it was generally felt that there was no known way to keep this optical glass stable. The "copper one" is being prepared for industrial production. LasGlass will be seeking $2.5 million with which to achieve its business goals and is about to initiate a financing round to raise this sum. The novel laser rods offer clear-cut substantial economic benefits and advantages over existing art. They provide a window of business opportunity for the company and an attractive opportunity for investors who will participate in the current financing round.

Reprinted from the Israel High-Tech & Investment Report July 1998

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