from the October 2003 issue

"Unleashing an Immune Response Against CNS Disorders"

A unique story. An outstanding person. A story behind the story. They rarely get the exposure that human interest stories deserve. We wish to share just such a story with you.

A number of years ago Gershon, a former editor of a science magazine in Canada, immigrated to Israel and helped us edit stories for our newsletter. He understood science and technology and was also a good rewrite man. But his body, more correctly his spine was nearly completely shattered in a car accident. He walked with the help of a cane and with a swaying movement. He assured us that he had accepted his fate and did not hope, in his lifetime for medical solutions. In June 2002 we published a story captioned:

Proneuron: Profile of a Highly Promising Biotech Company. The lead paragraph read as follows: "Proneuron, Biotechnologies Inc. a Delaware registered company, is the first biotechnology company to apply the power of the body's own immune system for the treatment of permanent debilitating central nervous system (CNS) disorders. The six year old company bases its activities on the groundbreaking research of Professor Michal Schwartz of the Weizmann Institute of Science, which demonstrated the role of immune response in normal and pathological conditions in the central nervous system. Currently, Proneuron is focusing its expertise in cell therapy and neuro-immunology on the development and commercialization of a treatment for spinal cord injuries (SCI) as well as other neurological disorders, which until now were considered incurable."

We were reminded of Gershon. Could his spinal injury been alleviated? Before we published our September 2003 IHTIR newsletter we received an e-mail:: "My friend recently (August 9) injured his spine resulting in paralysis below his chest. He injured his 7th vertebrae but the cord was not completely severed. I am VERY interested to know if there are any macrophage trials that he could qualify for in the US, Brussels, or Israel. Please contact me by e-mail or phone". (It was obvious that the writer had used Google, found our web site and had read about the ProNeuron spinal injury treatment.)

We supplied the contact data and were rewarded by another e-mail on August 20 "I felt that I should let you know my friend was accepted for the surgery in Israel. Thanks to the help of people like you everywhere, he was able to contact the right people. He and his mother will be flying into Tel-Aviv early Thursday morning. My parents, who are members of the Bahai faith, as well as myself, have visited Haifa and say Israel is beautiful. Thanks again! I will always remember the kindness I have received in such a tough time.

Yet another message reached us, this time on Friday August 29: "His surgery was completed on Saturday evening (Israel time) and it went very well. He will be starting rehabilitation today and will return home in about a month. There is no word on the success of the surgery yet, but hopefully time and prayer will bring good news! I hope this message finds you well".

Professional ethics do not allow Proneuron to discuss the procedure or supply any personal details but we did have a chance to meet with Professor Michal Schwartz of the Weizmann Institute of Science, whose scientific research forms the basis of Neuron's treatments for spinal injuries. The science, the development of incredible technology, making it available to the world at large with Internet Technology are the elements of this big story.

While the political cartographers may not succeed in drawing the right Road Map Israel's role "as a light unto the nations" will continue through its science and medicine.

IHTIR Visits with Weizmann Institute Neuroscientist
Prof. Michal Schwartz, in the course of five years has become an internationally recognized neuroscientist. Based in Weizmann Institute's Neurobiology Department, several years ago she successfully challenged the commonly accepted wisdom, that immune cells were damaging to the central nervous system, and specifically to the brain and spinal cord. Her research led to the conclusion that following neuronal injury, immune cells known as macrophages may be enlisted to encourage repair and renewed growth of damaged nerve fibers.

Severing the spinal cord or even a partial injury of the spinal cord, may cause complete paralysis of the organs innervated by the central nervous system, from the point of injury downwards. The main reason is that damaged fibers create a 'hostile environment' which harms other, undamaged fibers. As a result, even in cases of partial spinal cord injury, the damage continues to spread, intensifying the paralysis. Blocking the spread of damage may therefore save the nerve cells undamaged by the initial trauma

The research led to the founding of ProNeuron a startup that is currently in the midst of human clinical trials. The procedure involves the adding of immune cells, known as T-cells, to block the spread of spinal cord damage. This treatment is based on extracting immune cells from the patient's blood, increasing their amount, and then re-introducing them into the damaged neuronal area.

The results will be reported at the end of the clinical trials.In five years from now, the scientist believes that the natural activity of the immune system will serve as an important protector of nerve cells against degeneration and help in recovery following CNS trauma. Consequently, the immune system may be harnessed to attenuate neuronal loss in diseases such as Amyiotrophyc Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson's disease and glaucoma. Teva Pharmaceuticals recently, entered into a collaboration with Proneuron, for the development of Copaxone for various neurodegenerative diseases. This program is based on the concept of "protective auto-immunity", discovered and developed by Prof. Michal Schwartz.

Reprinted from the Israel High-Tech & Investment Report October 2003

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